Saturday, April 7, 2012

636. Be right-handed for an entire day

Check and check.  Although, I guess to really get in the spirit of things, I should be left-handed for an entire day.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

185. Go white water rafting

This is the Merced River, by Yosemite National Park.  That's me with the white paddle.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

28. Take a self-defense class

I took a self-defense class in high school.  It was taught by the dance teacher, so I'm not sure exactly how applicable it was.  They did say to fight dirty, which I suppose is an important point, although I've never had to defend myself against anyone.  My friend tried to start a bar fight once, but my strategy was to apologize a lot and try to drag her away.  I couldn't even budge her, so I'm probably not destined to be a cage fighting champion.   

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

292. Go 100 days without fast food

Pretty self-explanatory.  It also turns out to be surprisingly easy if you're a six-hour plane ride from the nearest fast food joint.  I didn't manage to avoid fast food when I lived within walking distance of several fast food places.  I think my favorite fast food is the canteloupe juice at Quickly.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

49. Read War and Peace

It was an alright book, kind of a lot of characters to remember.  One girl, Natasha, reminded me of a character in Tale of Genji.  I don't remember if the girl in Tale of Genji had a name; lots of them are called "the plum-blossom lady" or something like that.  But the girl in Tale of Genji wrote a poem that went "Not to one mortal only, but to all that in this dark world dwell, that word I must accord."  If I told you what they had in common, it might spoil the book, though.  You are going to read two 1000-page novels, each hundreds of years old, right?